A Pattern group is made up of three or four people at KXC who want to contend for breakthrough in each other’s lives.

The goal is to become friends who help each other to be apprentices of Jesus: learning to be with him, become like him and do the things he did. All this is done in the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the transformative presence of Jesus in us.


‘Story’ is a chance to look back over the significant moments of your life – the good ones, the painful ones, the disappointing ones, the momentous ones, the confusing ones – that have led to where you are now. It's a space to better understand yourself and how God has been at work in your life, and to build honest, life-shaping relationships.  

As we reflect on our stories – no matter what it contains – we are reminded that they are drawn up into a larger story by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a story that is travelling towards a beautiful end, which gives us vision and purpose for our lives today.



Vision is about articulating the life we want to live if we're going to be shaped into the likeness of Jesus, figuring out what that might look like practically in our day-to-day lives.

It is easy to sleep-walk through large chunks of life. Before you know it several weeks and months have passed and you have become a certain kind of parent or a certain kind of employee – a certain kind of disciple – without even realising or intending to. You have been unintentionally spiritually formed.

Far from sleep-walking through life...we want to live with vision: with direction, inspiration and purpose. After all, Jesus did. He would often articulate an intentionality in the way he lived: “I know where I have come from and I know where I am going” (John 13:3-5); “I only do that which I see my Father doing” (John 5:19); “For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). As a result, he lived a life that shaped culture rather than one that was shaped by culture.


Pattern invites you to set about forming patterns of living that shape you, in order that you might shape the world around you.

In this season of uncertainty and constant change, we want to help each other fill our days with spirit-filled patterns of living that will help us grow towards Jesus during these unusual times. This kind of “life architecture” is traditionally called a Rule of Life.



Finally, ‘Contend’ and is all about prayerfully and practically contending for a move of the Spirit in each other’s lives. This stage puts prayer at the centre of everything, acknowledging that transformation into the likeness of Jesus does not come from our will power but from His power at work in our lives through the Holy Spirit.

Commit to a time each month to meet, in-person if possible, or online. You might want to ask each other some of the following questions:

  • Where have you seen God at work in your life in the past month?

  • How did you experience God’s presence through your practices?

  • How have you been shaped by the practices?

  • What differences did the practices make to those around you?

  • What is the Spirit stirring and wanting to grow in you in this season?

  • What unhealthy patterns or habits have you adopted and what practices will help you refocus on Jesus?

    Finish by contending for one another in prayer, asking that the Holy Spirit would fill each of you in the month ahead.