In order to help us orientate our day around the presence of Jesus, we have created some simple morning and evening rhythms of prayer for the whole church to join in with.
As we seek to learn how to pray and abide with Jesus, we will P.R.A.Y in the morning and practice the Examen at night.
Set aside 10 minutes at the beginning of your day, possibly after you’ve done BREAD, to pray using the acronym P.R.A.Y. below.
Praise: Spend time praising God for who He is and what He’s done for us.
Repent: The Greek word for repentance is metanoia, which means to turn around. Repenting is therefore about choosing to turn towards God, saying sorry where we need to, and turning to Him with the things that are facing us today.
Ask: Spend some time naming things and asking God for His kingdom to come in the things that lie ahead of you today, in the lives of those you know and in the world around.
Yield: To yield means to surrender, so spend some time surrendering to Jesus and listening to what He might want to say to you today.
Before you go to bed, carve out 10 minutes to pray through the prayer of Examen — a prayerful reflection which enables you to review the day gone by and to look with anticipation and motivation towards the day to come.
Use these four simple steps to frame your time:
Replay the day in order to recognise your emotions and God’s presence with you.
Rejoice in all the good things of the day and where you saw God at work.
Repent of the ways in which you did not follow Jesus wholeheartedly.