Helpful Verses:

“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.” Psalm 23:2–3

“Be still and know I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Interesting Quotes:

“Divert daily, withdraw weekly, abandon annually.” Rick Warren

“Going on retreat is really a kind of self-gift, showing the willingness to be healed and transformed. This attitude of desire for the life of God, for greater depth of understanding and abundance of heart, is pivotal to healing… a time of retreat gives us the chance to re-encounter prayer, (perhaps doing the opposite of what we usually do in prayer)… passing through what Jesus called the ‘narrow gate’, we find that we have entered a very large universe.” Emilie Griffin

Top Tips

  1. Find a place to retreat that is different from your everyday environment and try and shoot for a minimum of eight hours. The Royal Foundation of St Katherine’s in Limehouse ( is a great place in London.

  2. Try and make it a retreat of silence and solitude. No phone, no laptop, no books. Just a Bible and notepad for journalling.

  3. Right at the start open, yourself to the Holy Spirit and what God would like to say to you in the time ahead. You may wish to have a set of questions to reflect on and ask God. Persist through the initial storm of thoughts that will undoubtedly bombard you; at some point your soul will begin to settle a little and the space to hear God’s voice in your life will emerge.


Watch this space!